This is your learning outcome:


function get_suprapuneri($comp,$a,$MAX_LIN){ // suprapuneri 1

$res = 0;

for ($j=1; $j<=$MAX_LIN; $j++)

if (($comp[$j] == 1) and ($a[$j] == 1)) $res++;

return $res;


function get_lipsa_unu($comp,$a,$MAX_LIN){ // lipsa 1

$res = 0;

for ($j=1; $j<=$MAX_LIN; $j++)

if (($comp[$j] == 1) and ($a[$j] == 0)) $res++;

return $res;


function get_plus_unu($comp,$a,$MAX_LIN){ // in plus 1

$res = 0;

for ($j=1; $j<=$MAX_LIN; $j++)

if (($comp[$j] == 0) and ($a[$j] == 1)) $res++;

return $res;


function get_total_unu_matrita($comp,$a,$MAX_LIN){ // numar 1 in matrita

$res = 0;

for ($j=1; $j<=$MAX_LIN; $j++)

if ($comp[$j] == 1) $res++;

return $res;


function get_score3($comp, $a, $VFI, $MAX_LIN){

$sum_fi_sim = 0;

$sum_fi_dif = 0;

for ($j=1; $j<=$MAX_LIN; $j++)

if (($comp[$j] == 1) and ($a[$j] != 0)) $sum_fi_sim += $VFI[$j];

for ($j=1; $j<=$MAX_LIN; $j++)

if (($comp[$j] == 0) and ($a[$j] != 0)) $sum_fi_dif += $VFI[$j];

return $sum_fi_sim*0.8 + $sum_fi_dif*0.2;


$MAX_COL = 6;

$MAX_LIN = 19;

$MAX_MAT = 36;

$short_mat_names = array(‘MCQ Remember’, ‘MCQ Understand’,’MCQ Apply’, ‘MCQ Analyze’, ‘MCQ Evaluate’, ‘MCQ Create’,

‘Essay – Speculative’, ‘Essay – Quote to discuss’, ‘Essay – Assertion’, ‘Essay – write on’, ‘Essay – Describe/Explain’,’Essay – Discuss’, ‘Essay – Compare’, ‘Essay – Evaluate’, ‘Essay – Problem’,

‘Problem solving – routines’,’Problem solving – diagnosis’, ‘Problem solving – strategy’, ‘Problem solving – interpretation’, ‘Problem solving – generation’,

‘Practical work – demonstration’,’Practical work – exercise’, ‘Practical work – structured enquiry’, ‘Practical work – open ended enquiry’, ‘Practical work – project’,

‘Short answer – select crucial evidence’,’Short answer – explain methods, procedures and relationships’, ‘Short answer – present arguments’, ‘Short answer – describe limitation of data’, ‘Short answer – formulate valid conclusions’, ‘Short answer – identify assumptions’, ‘Short answer – formulate hypothesis’, ‘Short answer – formulate action plans’,

‘Reflective practice – concrete experience’, ‘Reflective practice – reflective observation’, ‘Reflective practice – abstract conceptualisation’, ‘Reflective practice – active experimentation’

$short_mat_description = array(‘Response requires recall or recognition of one item correct information. Question includes who, what, why, when, where, which, choose, find, how, define, label, show, spell, list, match, name, relate, tell, recall, select.’,
‘Response requires recall of more than one correct item of information, may involve a number of unconnected items. Test item asks to compare, contrast, demonstrate, interpret, explain, extend, illustrate, infer, outline, relate, rephrase, translate, summarize, show, classify.’,
‘Student discusses knowledge and consequences, but does not relate evidence to conclusion. Test item asks to apply, build, choose, construct, develop, interview, make use of, organize, experiment with, plan, select, solve, utilize model, identify.’,
‘Student correlates and differentiates, is able to distinguish between options. Test item asks to discriminate, infer, outline, separate.’,
‘Student discusses knowledge and consequences and relates evidence to conclusion. Test item asks to award, choose, conclude, criticize, decide, defend, determine, dispute, evaluate, judge, justify, measure, compare, mark, rate, recommend, rule on, select, agree, interpret, explain, appraise, …’,
‘Response relates knowledge and consequences together to make a case and a connection to a related area of knowledge beyond the explicit demand of the question. Test item asks to build, choose, combine, compose, construct, create, design, develop, estimate, formulate, imagine, invent, make up, originate, plan, predict, propose, solve, suppose, discuss, modify.’, //MCQ
‘The student is asked to construct an alternative reality and to provide a rationale for his view. The student will start creating the alternative scenario based on what is asked, his own ideas and integrating his previous knowledge related with the topic. It is expected that the student organizes his ideas while describing them and also that he provides an explanation for what he describes. The type of knowledge involved is mostly likely conceptual knowledge but it might integrate factual and procedural knowledge.’, //Essay – Speculative

‘The student is asked to examine a perspective and to discuss it based on his knowledge of the topic. It is expected that the student will recognize the quote and be able to locate it in a context, recalling relevant knowledge related with the topic. The student will then interpret the quote and will deconstruct it to determine the point of view of the author. Finally, the student will make his judgment integrating these processes.’, // Essay – Quote to discuss

‘The student is given a statement and is expected to examine the pros and cons, focusing on evidence in favour and against it. The student will interpret the statement and will recall relevant knowledge, including evidence and examples that support or not the statement. He will organize his arguments and at the end he will probably make some judgment on the statement.’, // Essay assertion

‘The student is given a theme and is expected to select knowledge and to organize it in a structure that he has to develop. This type of essay will assess if the student has deep knowledge of the topic not only in terms of comprehensiveness but also how things are related.’, // Essay – write on

‘The students are asked to describe and give a rationale for a certain issue. It is expect that the student will recall knowledge related with the topic and will select and organize it to provide an explanation for the issue.’, // essay – discuss

‘The students are asked to describe and give a rationale for a certain issue. It is expect that the student will recall knowledge related with the topic and will select and organize it to provide an explanation for the issue.’,//Essay – Describe/Explain

‘The student is asked to compare and contrast two ideas/facts. The student will have to recall knowledge related to the topic, describe the issues and compare them. It might be expected that the student provide some judgment at the end.’, // essay -compare

‘Even though most essay type questions involve some type of analysis and evaluation, in this type the student is specifically asked to analyse and evaluate some type of evidence or argument. The student will have to recall and organize knowledge related with the topic but mostly he will have to make judgments and explain them.’,//’Essay – Evaluate’

‘The student is given a situation/problem and asked to describe how he would act. In this type of essay, the student is expected to interpret the situation and plan how he would proceed, based on his knowledge of the topic.’,// ‘Essay – Problem’,
// Problem solving
‘Routine problems are operations or algorithms, which can be done without making any decisions. In this type of problem activity, the student is presented with a familiar problem and asked to solve it. He will have to recall the procedure he used in similar problems and will execute it. To reach the solution that is unique the student only has to execute the procedure correctly. In some cases, the student is provided with an indication of the procedure he should use.’, // Routines
‘The student is presented with a problem and selects the correct routine or the correct way to use a routine. Even though this is still a familiar task, it is a more complex type of task since less information is provided to the student. The student will have to recognize the type of problem, select the appropriate routine and then execute it.’,//Diagnosis
‘In this type of problem, the student may choose and apply a particular routine to solve it. The student has to interpret the problem, select the routines from the ones he knows and then apply the one he considers to be better.’,//Strategy
‘The student is presented with a real-world situation that he has to interpret and translate it to a familiar representation of the problem so it can be solved. Also, the student will have to interpret the solution and transfer it to the real world. Again, the student will be making judgments of the appropriateness of the path he chose.’,//Interprettation
‘In these types of activities, the student develops new routines or new ways to use routines to be able to solve the problem. It may be highly creative, if new routines are created or more basic if only new sequences are applied to known routines.’,//Generation
//Practical work
‘Demonstrations are used to demonstrate theoretical principles, usually performed by the teacher or assistant. The student is given the aim of the practical, materials, method and answer and is only expected to recall previous knowledge and understand what is being shown.’,//Demonstration
‘These are very structured practical experiments in which the student is given the aim, materials, method and is expected to get to the results that are also well known to the teacher. Student should follow instructions and learn techniques, manipulation, observation and reporting skills.’,//Exercise
‘This type of practical is less structured and more open. The student is given the aim of the activity and might be given part of the materials and methods to use. Students are expected to select materials and methods to get to results.’,//Structured inquiry
‘In this type of practical, the students are given a problem and constraints. They will have to formulate it, choose and design the experimental procedures, interpret the results and implications. The student will be most likely, making judgments as he proceeds.’,//Open ended enquiry
‘In this type of practical work the student may enjoy of freedom in the definition of the aims, choosing materials and methods. This is usually the longest and more open type of practical that enables students to develop research skills.’,//Project
‘The student is asked to gather evidence to support a statement. The student will have to recall information and select the one that is appropriate.’,//Select crucial evidence
‘The student is asked to describe and explain methods, procedures and relationships. The student will have to recall and select information about the topic and explain and analyse as requested.’,//Explain methods, procedures and relat..
‘The student is asked to present arguments to support an idea or perspective. The student will have to interpret the presented idea, deconstruct it and them he will recall and select information about the topic.’,//Present arguments
‘The student is presented with data from an experiment or other phenomenon and is asked to describe the limitations. He will have to interpret and analyse the data presented and evaluate it and justify it.’,//Describe limitations of data
‘The student is presented with data from an experiment or other phenomenon and is asked to draw conclusions. He will have to interpret and analyse the data presented, evaluate it, infer a conclusion and justify it.’,//Formulate valid concl..
‘The student is presented with an item that can be a article, a research report, etc. and is asked to identify what assumptions were made by the author. The student will have to interpret the information, analyse it, and infer the premises that were made.’,//identify assumptions
‘The student is presented with a situation and is asked to formulate a hypothesis to explain it.’, //Formulate hypotheses
‘The student is presented with a problem or situation and is asked to formulate a plan to address it. The student will have to interpret the information, analyse it and propose a plan to solve it.’, // Formulate actions plans
// Reflective practice assignments
‘‘Concrete Experience’ is the ‘doing’ component of the cycle of reflection. The student is expected to recall and select relevant learning experiences that he had during the course/module, usually related with the iLOs. In some cases, the student might reflect on learning experiences he had outside the course module but that are relevant for the iLO.’,//Concrete experience
‘In the ‘Reflective Observation’ stage the student will describe and critically reviews his learning experience. He will analyze and make judgments of his performance. Other students, teachers or employers might make contributions regarding observation and judgment.’,//Reflective observation
‘At this stage the student will draw conclusions regarding what has happened during his learning experience. He will compare what his performance with the iLO and will draw conclusions and explain them.’,//Abstract conceptualization
‘The student will design a plan to incorporate the conclusions from his reflection into new learning experiences to improve them, starting a new learning cycle. In some cases, if there is opportunity, the student might apply to concrete situations.’,//Active experimentation


$verb_names = array(‘Recognizing’, ‘Recalling’,’Interpreting’, ‘Exemplifying’, ‘Classifying’, ‘Summarizing’, ‘Inferring’, ‘Comparing’, ‘Explaining’, ‘Executing’, ‘Implementing’, ‘Differentiating’, ‘Organizing’,

‘Attributing’,’Checking’,’Critiquing’,’Generating’,’Planning’, ‘Producing’);

$short_mat_array = array(

























array(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), // Short answer








array(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),// Reflective practice





$a = array();

$short_mat = 1;

for ($i=1; $i<=$MAX_LIN; $i++)

$a[$i] = 0;


//echo $MAX_LIN;

echo ‘<b>You consider that the verbs that better describe the Learning Outcome are:  </b><i> ‘;

for ($i=1; $i<=$MAX_LIN; $i++){ // Get matrix

$var_name = ‘a’.sprintf(“%02d”,$i);

if (isset($_POST[$var_name])) {

$a[$i] = 1;//*$FI[$i];

$NS++; // if the variable is sent, increase the number of selections


if ($a[$i] != 0)

echo $verb_names[$i-1].’ ‘;


echo ‘</i>’;

//echo ‘<br>The number of selections is ‘.$NS.’.’;

//echo ‘<br>’.$MAX_MAT;

$suprapuneri = array();

$match_score_without = array();

for ($i=0; $i<$MAX_MAT;$i++){

$comp = array();

for ($k=1;$k<=$MAX_LIN;$k++) {$comp[$k]=$short_mat_array[$i][$k-1]; /* echo $comp[$k].’ ‘;*/}

//echo ‘<br>’;

$suprapuneri[$i] = get_suprapuneri($comp,$a,$MAX_LIN);

$match_score_without[$i] = get_suprapuneri($comp,$a,$MAX_LIN)*100/get_total_unu_matrita($comp,$a,$MAX_LIN);


arsort($suprapuneri, SORT_NUMERIC|SORT_DESC);

arsort($match_score_without, SORT_NUMERIC);



$match1_name = $short_mat_names[$sup_key[0]];

$match1_index= $sup_key[0];

$match1_val = $suprapuneri[$sup_key[0]];

$match2_name = $short_mat_names[$sup_key[1]];

$match2_index= $sup_key[1];

$match2_val = $suprapuneri[$sup_key[1]];

$match3_name = $short_mat_names[$sup_key[2]];

$match3_index= $sup_key[2];

$match3_val = $suprapuneri[$sup_key[2]];

$score1_name = $short_mat_names[$score_key[0]];

$score1_index= $score_key[0];

$score1_val = $match_score_without[$score_key[0]];

$score2_name = $short_mat_names[$score_key[1]];

$score2_index= $score_key[1];

$score2_val = $match_score_without[$score_key[1]];

$score3_name = $short_mat_names[$score_key[2]];

$score3_index= $score_key[2];

$score3_val = $match_score_without[$score_key[2]];

echo ‘<br><br><b>Based on the information provided, we suggest the following  e-assessment methods:</b><br>’;


//echo $ind1.’ ‘.$ind2.’ ‘.$ind3;

echo ‘<h3>1. ‘.$short_mat_names[$ind1].'</h3>’.$short_mat_description[$ind1];
echo “<h3>2. “.$short_mat_names[$ind2].'</h3>’.$short_mat_description[$ind2];
echo ‘<h3>3. ‘.$short_mat_names[$ind3].'</h3>’.$short_mat_description[$ind3];



For more information regarding the recommended methods please check the section Assessment methods.